Monday, 4 July 2011

to all our American Friends..

I'll be back later l hope, but already hot here and we are cycling to town with library books to return and a couple of bills to pay,
 before it gets so hot and all we want to do is sit under the gazebo with a long cold drink
mmm think l'll make a

Click the link for History and recipes

Have a marvellous Monday everyone
Hugs to all


  1. Thank you for the Holiday wishes to your friends in the US!! We are staying home tomorrow....real low key. Half of us are sick with colds!! Me included!

  2. Oooo, that Pimms image is evil I am sitting in work dreaming of a long cold glass of Pimms now! Have a fab day. Nx

  3. Happy 4th of July U S A
    It's so cold and wet here in Tasmania.
    The jug of Pims looks great Suz.

  4. Dear Suz.. thanks for the good wishes for our Independence Day! We have our 2 and 3 yr old grandsons here and we're taking them to the Corbett Parade.. horses, cars, floats.. photos to come!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Suz, thanks for you good wishes, hope your bike ride was lovely.


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