Tuesday, 5 July 2011

6 Miles on the bikes, Zumba class and Pimms that slipped down a treat

The bike ride went well going to town but a slight laughter problem getting back
Phil decided to buy two new NooNoo camping chairs.....l did say we're on bikes how would we get them home?
But he wanted to get them, so the journey home took a little longer and was full of laughter 
as they kept falling out of the pannier as he tipped the bike to get on several times....had me in stitches
Not sure he found it that funny though lol
Picture l took is terrible so link to chairs, we are going back to get the matching picnic set in the next couple of days...ready for the Status Quo show in the Quarry on 15th July

I decided to do a little embroidery on a t-shirt (only a few French knots round the neck)  instead of getting the sewing machine out, so l found the 
MISSING RIPPLE....hiding in a big box in one of the cupboards
Plenty big enough to go on the swing seat/bed...supposed to be delivered today but an e mail today says they might not make it for some reason and to ring them...curious!

A couple of weeks back l said l was going to do a Zumba class.....l never made it,
 1st clss was early yesterday evening....
6mile on the bike and a Zumba Class in one day! Topped off with 2 small glasses of Pimms, l don't really drink much, but this fruit filled liquid slipped down a treat,so l was out for the count last night lol
Think today will be a Chill out day.....l don't want to over do things.....lol

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