Thursday, 30 June 2011

Having serious problems with blog today!

Giving this a go but not sure it will work...
Having to use a different browser to post and keeps asking me to sign in!
any way here goes
last of the cup cakes and a magazine in the garden yesterday
Noticed even the paper cases were pretty...

sorry thats it...l'll try and get back later see if anything has changed but right now l'm not having much luck or fun with this blog today!

Cant post on any ones blog with out signing in and when l do it just askes me to sign in again
something seriously wrong here..changed my password but still won't work
help!...don't know what to do so l'm off try agin later and cross everything

Hugs x
the picture it wouldn't let me post yesterday
Pretty Cup cake cases...
Tash you really are a good cook....all gone now...sad!
Thanks for the blogger help girls..l'm on but it's not right


  1. What a beautiful display. It is showing alright to me. Blogger is being a naughty boy lately. ANd you would think by this day and age silly things like that wouldn't be happening on a blog platform that has been around since the early ages of the internet.

  2. What a beautiful photograph! You have such an eye for color and composition! I always look forward to your posts so hopefully things will get back to normal for you so we can enjoy more posts! Have a great day!

  3. Yipee. It came through just fine. Have you tried UNCHECKing the stay signed in box. This has been going on far to long. Those cupcakes are just the cutest and it's looks like your garden party was a smash hit.

  4. Suz, this happened to me recently. Sign out and when you sign back in do not check the box to stay signed in. Good luck.

  5. Dear Suz-e-Q, glad you were able to post. I worry sometimes that blogger will go pssssssssszzzzt and all our stuff will be gone.

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. Suz, I just discovered your blog a couple of hours ago, and spent a very enjoyable time here. Your work and your pics are all so lovely!

  7. Hi Suz,
    I've been loving all the stuff you have been doing and posting of late, very inspiring I must say.
    I had the same problem with posting comments to blogger, but what Meredith posted here above works.
    It seems to be all backwards don't tick the box to stay login.
    I wanted to wish you a hapy birthday the other day but couldn't, so I now know you had a great day!!! I loved your birthday table and it was great weather too!!!! Lucky you.
    Glad you had a great day!!!

  8. Hi Thanks girls..l did have a wonderful B'day followed by a hateful day with blogger..nothing makes me more angry and pee'd off than everything going hay wire and out of my control lol
    I decided yesterday to sign in every time but thanks for the suggestion seems ok this morning so far but l've had to change browsers to get it to work and l liked Google Chrome..easy to use
    But hey ho....l'm on!
    Hugs to all xx

  9. Felicitycot (Ravelry) x4 July 2011 at 22:08

    Lovely pictures, makes me want to come and have a cuppa and some cake with you!


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