Sunday, 8 May 2011

Flowers and Lovely Brupbrup

Still making a garland but it's taking a long time because each layer is cut from scratch with only a couple of punched shapes.....and each one will need to be double sided for a garland
But just enough so far for the clock
for the Kitchen wall?

Brupbrup loves his Dad and even his old shoes will do if he's busy and can't cuddle

Lovely Brupbrup
About 11years old now
but Dad is best
Enjoy your Sunday Everyone
hugs to all xx


  1. Wonderful clock, love the flowers, and the cat is too cute. Happy Sunday,

  2. Your kitchen looks smashing! I can't believe how much your cat looks like our Willem cat (inc eating the shoes). Willem cat can't stand shoelaces, we have to tie our shoes in another room or she goes wild. Silly cat.

  3. OHMYGOSH!! The clock is FANTASTIC! =-) Love it!

  4. Your clock is totally adorable! Pet the kitty for me and enjoy your Sunday! Hugs, Teresa :-)

  5. What a lovely clock. It looks great on your kitchen wall!

  6. The clock looks stunning and just right to go with the lovely weather we have been having. You have so many talents! Rachael Xx

  7. the clock is so great Suz, and your brupbrup is a sweetie!

  8. Love the clock Suz. Looks great
    Have a happy week

  9. Thanks everyone....the clock was a great pressie from Phil last Christmas 12 clips to add all your favourite picture flower or treasures too
    Hugs to all x


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