Monday, 10 January 2011


Fabulous German Artist MARKUS LINNEBRINK is the inspiration for the next, who know's how many, crochet projects?
fabulous colour of painted stripes and paint runs 
1st experiment single strand of DK 4mm hook!...mmmm boring and slow
2nd experiment double strand of DK blending colours 7mm hook....far better
3rd experiment blended double strand....WIP!..l like it so far
I was asked about the use of very bright colours in peoples work and how they weren't keen
But some brights are needed to lift other colours..but on their own they are garish and not so easy on the eye......BLENDING works a treat in incorporating brights that you are not keen on
This is a really REALLY bright pink but mixed with other shades and colours can look fabulous
play with mixing colours in small sample squares and use all those little ends we all have...huge bag of them in my world! lol...

and blending two strands is an easy way of creating your own unique yarns too

or just group together colour combo's you like....and save for future reference
3 colour combo's l'll be trying in the next few days!

Have a wonderful week everyone
full of fun and colour
hugs x


  1. I love how you find a colour combination that works and run with it Suz. What you making with these ones?
    A x

  2. Oh what fun. And the double strand is so pretty! I am trying to get sleepy. 12:30 and I am not sleepy????? You are up. It is daylight in England. I wish it were daylight here! I am a terrible sleeper. G'night.

  3. I agree about colour with the right eye and confidence you can make a cracking combo. I have been introduced to Hundertwasser and the colours are amazing.

  4. Looks amazing! Thanks for sharing, it's always interesting to see what inspires someone else. :)

  5. This is the first time I visit your blog, and it's so lovely and colourful! I love it :)

  6. You have such a talent for colour combinations and they always look new and fresh!

  7. stopping me hey wispo?
    Kris..yep when l posted it was early morning..sweet dreams you know you can buy Hundertwasser yarns?
    hi Rachel, Sandra welcome, Rachael thanks
    Hugs all x

  8. I didn't know that you could buy hundertwasser yarns, where? Love love love how you combine colors Suz, you are really an inspiration.

    Hugs XX


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