Sunday, 19 December 2010


No idea why my head is full of dolls again and has been for a couple of months really
An itch that needs scratching and couldn't wait until 2011!

l used to make life size dolls many years back....
Marigold...sitting in a child's antique rocking chair

Someone has asked me for this pattern sorry name escapes me right now....l still haven't come across it in all the boxes....Sorry.....
but who knows where l'm going with these dolly treats l might make the pattern all over again in 2011
But for now l'm going back to my roots if you like and remembering both my Grandma and my Mum and me dressing dollies as a very small child
this one will be about 15" l guess at the moment as the legs are still to do

I just started at the top of the head with a 3mm hook and DK in as fleshy a colour as l had 
made a ball by increasing until l thought it was about right (3 rows of increase) then decreased when l had a size l liked and stuffed it as it grew....
I wanted an all in one with as little sewing together as possible
and it just grew the Picture?... we haven't got mice hehe well only furry squeaky ones filed with cat nip...trying to stop 
from getting into so much trouble with a bit of distraction and playtime
may be l should crochet mice too...although all he seems to want to do is tear my plant to shreds and play with the long leaves...

Have a super Sunday everyone


  1. Hi Suz, Marigold is lovely and your new doll looks very interesting, I will be interested to see how she develops!!.....your head must ache sometimes with all these creative ideas buzzing around. We are very snowy , sure you are too so hope to do some crafty things later. Have a great day.

  2. The new crochet doll looks great already, I will be really interested to see the progress. I like the idea of making it all in one, always a bonus to not have to attach pieces and sew in ends.

  3. Hey there Suz! It was me that had asked about the dolls that you made in the past and patterns. I love this one and how she's progressing.

    Hugs XX


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