Thursday, 15 July 2010


While trying to decide what to do to the blanket border l've been playing!!

6 petals....
8 petals.....
twelve petals......
starting to gather a collection of flower patterns together
remember these......
and these.....
and these.....
and these.....
think l have a flower addiction?....
and recycled painted cat food boxes and bits of wallpaper too....

and in the garden.....
Thanks for taking a peek at my total addiction to 
Thanks EVERYONE for all the KIT advise.....all very helpful
First job is to decide which of the 60 colours of yarn to choose....thought 12 to start with but that wasn't any good!!!!
Then l though may be 18.......still struggling
so right now l have 31.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm not so good even at the fabulous price l have found!


What about colour combo kits chose what you make with it?
as people like my colour combos

What about a monthly colour combo with project?
You would know the colour combo but not the project... a surprise project!

This yarn has 60 colours all together so a lot of combo's there.....hehe
And there are a lot of ideas in my head too!

Thanks again for all your help
really appreciate your comments and all you say really does help a lot
Hugs All xx


  1. So many lovely colours, so many lovely colour combos, so many lovely projects :-) :-)
    How about starting with a couple of projects in 3-4 different colour combos and seeing what feedback you get from those?
    I wish you the very best of luck in what ever you decide.
    A x

  2. Love the flowers Suz.I agree with Wipso above,start off fairly small so you are not laying out too huge a sum of money and see what the reaction is.Also I think it would be good to do some research on what sort of prices people are happy to spend, there may be a maximum and then work out what you could do up to that price. Whatever you decide its always good to have small "bread and butter" items that perhaps will sell more easily and give you a return. Good luck!

  3. What a great post. lots of lovely flowers!

  4. Your flowers are SO happy! Love them all. I agree, start small and see what the demand is, then grow from there.

  5. Wonderful flowery post.
    I agree with the other comments - start off with just a couple of kits in say 2 or 3 colourways and judge the response.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've just discovered your wonderful blog. Gorgeous colour combinations and adorable furbabies. Best wishes, Pj x

  8. I love your flowers! So pretty!

  9. Well what ever you decide to do I am sure it will be fab. Those flowers are scrummy - just hope they are all quite easy!!!


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