Wednesday, 7 July 2010



Was asked my opinion of this book the other day so prized it out of the book case and had a 
serious 2nd look!
(UPDATE NOTE: Crochet 60 Knit 40 Split if you were wondering)
thanks Barbara never thought to say! xx
l've had the book months tried a couple of the patterns but had forgotten what l thought about it 
have to say love the choice of flowers and l personally love draw diagrams find them as easy to follow as the photographs so l'd say.......great so far

Made this Geranium this afternoon in 2 sizes and a number of colours....tried it as a double flower mixed with one of the English Country Garden flowers l'd made in almost all white but wasn't so keen on......picture below

bit boring after the MARBLE yarn
but loved them when l mixing the 2 together
The one on the left is 3 layers an ECG flower in white then a large Geranium flower (page 76 in book) made with doubled DK and an 8mm hook then the smaller single DK made with a 4mm hook same acrylic yarn used in all
going to make one in each colour l have and then....who knows 'cos l sure don't hehehe
I hve got a new navy cardy thst need so decoration might do a crocheted edge to the edge and cuff edges and then add some flower these would be perfect l think
Noo Noo blanket at the weekend off to a show again but the forcast isn't good so may be get a 
lot of hooky 

Hugs to all have fun xx


  1. Oh the flowers are just lovely Suz! I don't knit though. Are most of the patterns done in crochet? Hope you do get a lot of hooky time in this weekend.

    Hugs XX

  2. Very, very, very pretty flowers - especially with your own personal touch

  3. love the flowers, very clever putting the layers together.

  4. Oh Suz they are stunning. I have tried knitting the chrysanthymum and the lavender but when finished all I could do was laugh and wonder what the heck I could do with either. I love the result of combining two so maybe I need to look again and experiment more :-)
    A x

  5. Lovely :)


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