Tuesday, 15 June 2010


Didn't start the door yesterday but l've done the sample swatch for Phil's Camping Poncho in the Spike stitch he saw at Colinette and in 4 of their yarns he chose....
Stripes of spike stitch!

Although we didn't start the door painting yesterday we did buy the new letterbox and door handle ready and will be striping it later 
the sun is shining for us today.....
Think it will really add something to the front of the house the door at the moment is in a bad way!!
Hope to do a reveal before we go away for the weekend

Another VW Bus Stop Over Show in Leicestershire... this was the 1st show we went too before we bought Noo Noo and became VW addicted
click the link to see what's on
oh!......and a big 50th birthday party
Changed his mind again on what he wants but think this will be the last choice but l'll let you know on Monday when l post the Birthday party Pics from the show...just in case 


  1. really love the spike stitch....I'm wondering how you do it....show and tell?
    A x

  2. That's a lovely coloured yarn - it's going to look lovely ponchoed up!! Are you going to put a hood on it? Think they look pretty good with a hood on xx (Made up with the dog - couldn't handle that look from her anymore - she's clever like that - she turned it back onto me (yet again!) to make me feel guilty about telling her off - blinkin furball!!!)

  3. Way too yummie for words. Stitch is very fun, but the yarn. That yarn is delish.

    You all have such fun with your VWs. You must be a rocker from the 70s.

    Peace out,

  4. Oooo Nooooo, she may be a Hippie! hehe Actually I hope you do have a little hippiness inside you Suz! Love that stitch but I'm like Kate, I looooove the colors! Little instruction?

    Hugs XX

  5. thanks and spike stitch instructions tomorrow for you or Google it and lots of videos and instruction on line if you can't wait..door 1st lol
    Hugs xx


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