Saturday 24 January 2009


The usual sky scene
A daily routine l would never ever miss....factor 15

Playing with black and white...makes the wrinkles disappear hehehe
Will be using more black and white from now on........vain hey?
Never felt better than l do now but l dont like getting old...wrinkles appear over night lol
OH BOY! did yesterdays photo session give me the incentive to stick with the diet...

The challenge of routine shots can be boring stuff so was looking for some more interesting shots!!!!!.....HELL one look at the results and l threw the chocolate in the bin...and NO l'm not showing those but l will be looking at them every day to keep me on the healthy eating...and l'm going for my walk too!

Last sleep before Prague...excited but nervous need to take a few before pics just in case l forget what l looked like before chance!


  1. Another great selection of photos. I hope you enjoy your holiday in Praque - have a great time :-)

  2. Hi thanx..will do my best hope to take some great photos


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